Miss Nikki went down south! Squeee! Road trip! I was asked by Raw Byron bay to showcase at their opening show for the year awakening. Raw is such a wonderful family to be apart of, the things they do for artists is amazing I could not be more proud to be called an Raw alumni. We arrived around 3pm there time after being stuck in traffic for a long time due to a accident, Luckily we found out everyone was okay. As we got there and I was setting up, fixing the frame on my new piece the glass cracks, this is my main piece my heart sinks. Luckily me being miss positive thinks oh well and removes all the glass and I still hang it up ( still looked adorable!). It was very different to Brisbane Raw's which I think is great, it's nice to experience new things especially as a artist who has only ever showcased in Brisbane. I met so many wonderful people and saw some familiar Brizzy faces. When the the photos of the night are released I'll do another post and show you cuties what Byron was made of! till then here are my happy snaps from the day.

Cheeky chicky Chippies!
Here is a quick lil video off of my instagram of my display.
I have a very huge space in my heart for hand painted type signs.
I adored the colour schemes on these walls.

My boy wore a matching outfit! seriously how cute is he!
Scarf/ Necklace/ Bracelet : Vintage | Earrings : Lucy Luxxe
Dress: Hell Bunny | Shoes: Target