Two years ago on Christmas eve I met Ben, little did I know after that first magical date
I would of found a man who'll change my whole life.
The way I see things, the way I go about things.
He is honestly one of the best things to come into my life and I'm so grateful every day That I get to be in love with my best friend. We go to the same restaurant for the past three christmas eves and had an adventure date full of different activities. Bowling, garden walks, mount cootha look out kisses. I'm a lucky lady that's for sure.

For our anniversary last year I made a photo book to look back at our first year together & This year I did the same and I called it Bento & Bikki volume two (our nicknames for each other)
First page of the book sums up everything perfectly
I Also framed some of my favourite photos of the val I have taken
I love how they look with the selfie of us two between them.
To sum it up, it was such a magical start to the festive season.
I'm one lucky lady.
Love you bento!
You make a beautiful couple <3 So happy for you guys! x